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Aries, Your May Horoscope Is All About Gratitude & Healing

Practice patience, because your Aries May 2021 horoscope begins with the sun in your grounded second house, encouraging you to take in the present moment and acknowledge what you’re grateful for. But as of May 8, both Mercury and Venus will be hustling and bustling in your busy third house, encouraging you to engage in stimulating conversations and learn everything about everything. Brag about that brilliant brain of yours, Aries!

Come May 11, the new moon will encourage you to slow down. As it plants seeds of growth in your second house of money, this new moon is perfect for rethinking your financial goals and making wise plans that will benefit you in practical ways down the line. And when Jupiter enters your spiritual 12th house as of May 13, the cosmos will encourage you to enrich your inner world by prioritizing solitude, reflection and therapeutic healing. Get to know your spirit and tune in to the sound of your intuition.

By May 17, you’ll be in a powerful position in your career as the sun forms a trine with Pluto in your ambitious 10th house. Don’t underestimate your potential, because this energy will help you go from rock bottom to the stars above! By May 19, you have the ability to establish communication habits that benefit your relationships as Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your social 11th house. You’re not just meeting new people; you may be making lifelong friends.

Gemini season sparks your information-seeking third house on May 20, activating your desire to speak your thoughts into existence and learn new things. However, when the lunar eclipse lands in your expansive ninth house on May 26, you could gain a whole new perspective. This eclipse could take you somewhere completely unexpected—and whether you’re exploring new places or trying a more open-minded viewpoint, you may soon be seeing things very differently.

The month wraps up with Mercury retrograde, which begins on May 29. This retrograde could leave you feeling tongue-tied and ready to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Make sure you double check your emails before hitting send and take tidbits of gossip with a grain of salt. Try your best to stay above it all!

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