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Gemini, Your May Horoscope Wants You To Rethink Your Perception Of Love

It’s almost Gemini season, but before you can go all out, your Gemini May 2021 horoscope wants you to reflect on your inner spirit. The month begins with the sun in your introspective 12th house, encouraging you to let go of the baggage you’ve been holding onto and finally heal. However, by May 8, both Mercury and Venus will have entered Gemini, which will leave you feeling confident, attractive and ready to put your best foot forward!

However, there’s no need to jump the gun, because the new moon on May 11 encourages you to slow down and look inward. Use this new moon to lead a more spiritually authentic life as you embrace a deeper kindness and understanding toward yourself. Living a more conscious life will serve you well, especially when Jupiter enters your career sector on May 13. This could lead to some pretty ambitious breakthroughs as you set your sights on your goals and radiate the professionalism and patience required to achieve them.

By May 17, you may feel the empowering results of all your healing and therapeutic efforts as the sun forms a trine with Pluto in your transformative eighth house. Just because something is coming to an end doesn’t mean something even better is just getting started! By May 19, your relationships will expand into something new as Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your open-minded ninth house. You may be rethinking your perception of love and what love can mean in the long run.

Once Gemini season begins on May 20, your relationships will really take the center stage. By May 26, a lunar eclipse will activate your seventh house of partnerships, which could initiate some pretty major (and unexpected) changes to your love life and your social life. You may be forming commitments to people that will define the next chapter of your life. However, you’ll also be saying goodbye to people you may have never thought you’d separate from. Be patient, because the meaning behind an eclipse often takes time to develop.

You may feel all tangled up by the end of the month. After all, on May 29, Mercury will station retrograde in your first house of the self, which could leave you feeling like you’re looking backward instead of forward. It may be time to get some closure from the unfinished business of your past, Gem.

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