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Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts A Sensitive Start To June

Welcome to a new month, boo! Your weekly horoscope for May 31-June 6 has arrived. After a frustrating retrograde last week, this week is a little gentler. But it also brings a wave of emotions, making us more sensitive than usual. It all starts when Mars (planet of action) in Cancer trines Neptune (planet of illusion) in Pisces on Monday, bringing mystical energy to the week as our collective intuition is heightened. It’s a great day for a Tarot reading.

On Wednesday, Venus(planet of love) enters sensitive Cancer, making very serious all our flirting from last month as we move away from casual dating to commitment. Over the next few weeks, you’ll become more nurturing, empathetic and sentimental as you stick close to home.

The week ends on an intense note when Mercury (planet of communication) in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces and Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn—creating the possibility of major conflict and hurt feelings. Do yourself a favor and try to get all the facts before you make up your mind about anything. Dramatic arguments can be avoided if you think before you speak.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Something you’ve been longing for could finally happen when Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces on Monday. However, keep the good news to yourself for now and enjoy this magic in private. Wait until the retrograde is over to share it with the world.

Summer is nearly here, but you’ll need to cool off your fiery nature when Venus enters Cancer on Wednesday. The planet of love enters your domestic zone, bringing a homey vibe to your private life for the next few weeks. Stick close to home by decorating your space, spending time with family, and nurturing your inner child.

However, becoming a homebody might not help your reputation when Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday. It might be time to change your goals and ambitions to reflect your new priorities. What are you more loyal to: your domestic life or your career?



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Though Mercury is still retrograde, your love life hasn’t slowed down when Venus enters Cancer on Wednesday. Your ruling planet enters your communication zone, making it easy to express yourself in your romantic relationships. This is a great time to develop a new love language, be social with friends and neighbors, or finally use your head when it comes to love.

Thursday brings some extra luck when Venus trines Jupiter in Pisces. This is a great day to ask out your crush or meet up with your friends. Success will be yours without you having to put much effort into it, so enjoy these good vibes and windfalls.

Take it slow when Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday, and don’t bite off more than you can chew. Stay in the present, and don’t invest in things you might not be interested in by next month.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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With Mercury still retrograde in your sign, you’d be better off staying close to home when Venus enters Cancer on Wednesday. Venus will be in your value zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to buy beautiful things for your home and boosting your self-esteem. Just don’t go overboard with it, Gemini.

Don’t forget to focus on your mind when you’re practicing self-care this week. The sun in your sign trines Saturn in Aquarius on Thursday, encouraging you to go after things you’re curious about. This is an excellent day to explore the idea of taking classes, planning a trip, or researching a new hobby. What do you want to learn?

Finally, watch out for miscommunication issues when Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces on Saturday. Think before you speak or you could damage your reputation at work or start a fight with one of your colleagues. Just chill!



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins on a dreamy note when Mars in your sign trines Neptune in Pisces on Monday, encouraging you to follow your passions this week. If you’re looking to go on an adventure—whether it’s daydreaming, reading, or in real life—just do it! This aspect has got your back.

Life gets more romantic when Venus enters your sign on Wednesday, creating a month of new beginnings when it comes to love and relationships. This is an ideal time to change up your style, get some new clothes, and look hot for the summer. Strut your stuff, Cancer!

The week ends on an exciting note when Venus trines Jupiter in Pisces on Thursday, making you extra curious about going on adventures and discovering new things. This is a great time to play with your style, read some good books, go on a date, or do some traveling.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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You’re excited for summer, but you might have to deal with a little rain. With Mercury retrograde and love planet Venus entering Cancer and your privacy zone on Wednesday, this could be a time of endings. After being a social butterfly, take a rest and be by yourself for a bit of introspection. You might need it.

However, there’s no need to become a complete hermit. On Thursday, the sun in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius, making it an ideal day to bring your friends together to reach a common goal. You’ll get by with a little help from your friends.

Avoid being social when retrograde Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces on Saturday, making it easy for miscommunications to happen in friendships. Try to be chill. Don’t believe everything you hear until you get all the facts or you could ruin a friendship.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Even though we’re still in Mercury’s retrograde, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start doing some damage control when Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces on Monday. It’s a great day to mend a relationship if you’ve recently had a falling out. There’s magic in the air, so use it to your advantage.

Relationships continue to improve when Venus enters Cancer and your social zone on Wednesday and stays here for the next few weeks. This is a great time to hang out with friends, make new ones, get passionate about social issues, and follow your dreams. They might even come true.

However, Mercury’s retrograde comes back to bite you when it squares Neptune on Saturday. Again, take time out of your busy work schedule to spend time with loved ones. If you neglect them now, Virgo, it might not be a happy summer.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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While other signs are starting their summer of love early, you’re in a committed relationship with your job when Venus enters Cancer on Wednesday. Your ruling planet will be in your career zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to focus on your long-term goals and how to appear professional to others. Fuel your ambition and your hard work will be rewarded soon.

Your work ethic is already kicking into high gear when Venus trines Jupiter in Pisces on Thursday, making it a very productive and successful day as you accomplish tasks and use your time wisely. Let’s get down to business.

However, it might be hard to stay focused when Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on Saturday, putting your head in the clouds. As your productivity dips, it might be easy to ignore your responsibilities. If you do, you could deeply regret your procrastination by Monday morning.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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Summer doesn’t officially begin for a couple more weeks, but things are already heating up for you when Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces on Monday, creating a sensual and steamy day. This is a great time to start a love affair, be creative, or discover a new talent.

Adventures await when Venus enters Cancer and your philosophy zone on Wednesday. For the next four weeks, you’ll develop a thirst for knowledge—even if you never leave your house. Spirituality and romance blend together, and you could fall for someone completely different from you or discover something new about your partner.

However, things get a little tricky at the end of the week when Mars opposes Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday. You might have a difficult time getting your ideas across to others, creating some very frustrating situations. Take a step back and reevaluate your strategy.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Spring flings can become deep summer romances when Venus enters Cancer on Wednesday. Venus in your intimacy zone makes it easier to form strong attachments. This marks a period of growth as you move from one phase of life to another. This could involve a serious relationship, a change in your style, or doing some adulting. This is the universe telling you it’s time to move on.

The “moving on” theme continues when Venus trines Jupiter in Pisces on Thursday. If you’re ready to build a home or start a family, now might be the time to give it some serious consideration as you build a solid foundation with someone special.

Unfortunately, the week ends with some conflict when Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on Saturday. You and your partner could have conflicting views about what your “dream” life together looks like. Be willing to compromise.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Your summer of love starts early when Venus enters Cancer and your partnership zone on Wednesday. Over the next few weeks, you’re getting serious about love and perhaps even taking a relationship to the next level. However, with Mercury’s retrograde still in play, there could be some fights before you settle down. All’s fair in love and war, Capricorn.

Work hard and you’ll be rewarded when the sun in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius on Thursday. While you might not feel the effects right now, you can be very successful if you stay on task and focus on your future goals.

The weekend brings some tension when Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in your sign on Saturday, creating conflict in your relationship. An unfair power dynamic could have you feeling like you’re losing control of your life and identity. Stand your ground, but you might hurt some feelings.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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The intellectual stimulation of last month loses its excitement when Venus enters Cancer and your habit zone on Wednesday. Coupled with Mercury’s retrograde, you could be dealing with a severe case of creative block. Developing a strict schedule might help with your productivity and get your creative juices flowing. Self-disciple is key.

You’ll start getting your groove back when the sun in Gemini trines Saturn in your sign on Thursday. Finding new ways to express yourself can help with your outlook on life and how you view your place in the world. Just stick to your new schedule and success will follow.

Unfortunately, Saturday brings setbacks when Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces. While you might be feeling very creative, it may not lead to the financial success you’d hoped for. While this can be frustrating, don’t give up. Just focus on improving your work and becoming your best.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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Summer fun begins for you this week, so prepare for some heat! It all starts when Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in your sign on Monday, bringing you a spark of inspiration to start something new. Whether it’s a creative project or a dreamy love affair, it’ll be magical.

Summer fun continues when Venus enters Cancer and your pleasure zone on Wednesday. The next few weeks will be an ideal time for summer romance, pouring yourself into creative projects, and just finding ways to entertain yourself. Get creative, Pisces!

However, Saturday brings some drama when Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. Conflict arises when family members think they know what’s best for you (when they really don’t). Don’t let them walk all over you. Stand up for yourself! While these conversions can be messy, you need to remind people they don’t control you. You know yourself best.


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