Time to start detoxing and bullet journaling! Your Aries September 2021 horoscope is here and it begins with a proactive new moon on September 6. This new moon lands in your sixth house of health and productivity, encouraging you to tune into your body and give it what it needs to feel its best. Use this new moon to nourish your physical self and get motivated about your goals.
BTW, your love life might start to get pretty serious around September 10. This is when Venus will slink into your intimate, emotional and transformational eighth house, encouraging you to pour your heart into a relationship that allows you to be your true self. Let go of those complicated flings that make you question your self-worth! You deserve love that is raw and real.
Your courage and motivation could be challenged by September 14 when the sun will oppose Neptune, zapping away your energy and possibly even your commitment to your daily routine. Remember that sometimes, it’s better to work smart instead of hard. As Mars enters your seventh house of partnerships, you might feel more passionate about the relationships you’re currently involved with. However, that passion could easily turn into conflict, so approach intense issues wisely.
As a full moon radiates throughout your 12th house of spirituality and release as of September 20, you may find yourself letting go of the many thoughts and patterns that have been taking up space in your subconscious. Release yourself from the past and cut the cord! You deserve to feel free from all the drama that keeps weighing on your heart.
Libra season will bring realizations about your relationships to the surface by September 22, encouraging you to become a better partner and to choose better partners. The month ends on a strange note, thanks to Mercury stationing retrograde on September 27. This retrograde will bring up unresolved issues in your relationships—perhaps even bringing an ex lover, friend, or partner back into the mix! It’s time to finally find some closure with those you love (or used to loved). You can do it, Aries!
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