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Your Weekly Horoscope Proves August Is Off To A Messy Start

Hey, babe. Your weekly horoscope for August 2-8 2021 is here—and it’s a big week. There is still a concentration of planets in Capricorn with expansive Jupiter (planet of expansion), powerbroker Pluto (planet of power), and cautious Saturn (planet of rules and foundation) all rewinding.

This retrograde influence encourages us to reflect on and review our goals, ambitions and responsibilities and adjust where needed. It can inspire powerful insights, too.

Monday brings a lively full moon in Aquarius that angles toward restless Uranus (planet of surprises) and can be a call to expect the unexpected. Feelings may be triggered by minor events, and it would be wise to avoid impulsive moves or purchases.

On the same day, lively Mercury (planet of communication) opposes sobering Saturn, so communication may be more awkward than it should be. We might also tend toward pessimism rather than optimism.

Tuesday brings a more positive influence with fiery Mars (planet of passion) squaring off with upbeat Jupiter. On the same day, brainy Mercury moves into charismatic Leo for around two weeks. On Friday, luscious Venus (planet of love) enters nurturing Cancer until September 6.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Go against the grain and dare to be different when the sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Monday. Don’t let social pressures keep you from your creative dreams and expressing yourself. Sure, you may get some looks, Aries, but it will be worth it.

Finances may take a hit when the sun squares Uranus in Taurus on Friday. You’ve had plenty of fun this summer, but now it’s time to pay the bill. You might need to start budgeting your money better and cut back on some of the little pleasures you’ve enjoyed.

The week ends on a high note when the new moon is in fiery Leo on Sunday. This new moon is in your pleasure zone, making it an excellent night to start creative projects, go out on the town, or fall in love. It’ll be very entertaining, to say the least. Have fun!



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins on a romantic note when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in your sign on Tuesday, creating a feel-good aspect. Enjoy these good vibes, especially when it comes to the love affairs and relationships in your life that make you feel wonderfully alive!

However, this vibe may not last long when the sun in Leo squares Uranus on Friday. This aspect can create a lot of tension between wanting to find your own identity and the need for comfort and security. A little rebellion may be necessary to find what you really need.

Stay home and take care of your private life when the new moon is in Leo on Sunday. Spend time nurturing your inner child and giving yourself love and affection. Treat yourself by bringing back one of your childhood favorites like going out for ice cream or running through sprinklers, Taurus.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins on a frustrating note when the sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Monday, challenging you with difficult and unknown concepts and ideas. You could have trouble expressing your opinions. While this knowledge may feel out of reach, keep studying and it will start clicking for you.

Tuesday brings some possible heartbreak when Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. You want to take a break from the world and enjoy some peace, but you can’t heal if you keep communicating with the person who hurt you. Cut ties to get some peace of mind.

Get away from your troubles by hitting the road when the new moon is in Leo on Sunday. Getting out of your home could be good for your overall well-being and expand your mind. Find escape reading books or talking with friends, just as long as it isn’t gossip (okay, a little gossip).



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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You’re no stranger to being the “giver” of the zodiac. However, when the Leo sun opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Monday, it’s okay to be a little selfish and take what you want. Sharing is caring, but for your own sanity and self-esteem you can take what you want without having to give it to someone else.

Friday brings potential shake-ups in your friend group when the sun squares Uranus in Taurus. Some “friends” might try to take advantage of your good nature until you put your foot down. Don’t let them guilt you into feeling bad about valuing yourself.

While it might be tempting to shop till you drop when the new moon is in Leo on Sunday, try to think about the bigger picture when it comes to money. Focus on saving for things of worth and value rather than what might make you happy right now.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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The urge to take the lead could backfire on you royally when the sun in your sign opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Monday. You want to be the leader, but you keep getting pushed into being a part of the team. Put your ego aside to do what is best for the collective.

An unexpected change at work could leave your ego and reputation a little bruised when the sun squares Uranus in Taurus on Friday. Try to stay calm amid the chaos, because reacting to the drama will only hurt your public image and career.

Luckily, Sunday brings fresh starts with the new moon in your sign. This is a great day to start new projects or make a good first impression on someone important. You’ll find peace and happiness by taking care of yourself first, especially your body. Act in your best self-interests and you’ll be greatly rewarded.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Your week starts on a lovely note when Venus in your sign trines Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. A new relationship brings the opportunity to expand your mind and learn new things about yourself and the world, changing your point of view. Embrace this!

This is especially true when the sun in Leo squares Uranus on Friday. Getting stuck in your own head could keep you from gaining insight. Don’t get so caught up in your inner drama that you miss the big picture. Keep your mind open to new ideas.

Sunday is a great time to daydream when the new moon is in Leo, landing in your privacy zone. Spend the day alone and take care of yourself as you let your mind wander. While you drift in your fantasies, you may come up with a great idea or discover a new talent of yours. However, just focus on taking it easy, Virgo.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Monday starts with frustration when the sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius, making you feel you can’t express yourself because of social pressures and the fear of judgment. You may not be feeling nurtured creatively in your friend group. Find friends who encourage your growth, Libra.

Tuesday brings intensity and intimacy when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, transforming your relationships to the next level. This aspect can also be a mini rebirth of your love life as you let go of your past relationships and move on to better love affairs in the future.

Your week ends on a positive note with the new moon in Leo on Sunday. The new moon is in your social zone, making it a great day to make friends, network, help others, and do some manifesting. Make a wish tonight and it might come true at the end of the lunation.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins on a social note when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. You may find a new crush or date from your social circle or bond with your friends on a whole new level. Either way, it’s a great day for friendship and finding common ground.

However, Friday brings tension and change when the sun in Leo squares Uranus. Conflict and competition at work could seriously hurt your reputation. Try to reach an agreement or you won’t come out of this looking professional. Pick your battles wisely, Scorpio.

Focus on your long-term goals when the new moon is in Leo on Sunday. The moon is in your career zone, encouraging you to think about what you want to achieve in your profession. Ask yourself what you want to be known for. Don’t rush to answer this question. Use it to guide your future actions.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Speak your mind and fight for what you believe in when the sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Monday. You could be dealing with a very strict thinker who only sees the world in black and white. Try changing their mind by making a passionate argument.

However, keep that same lesson in mind when Mercury in Leo squares Uranus on Tuesday. Don’t let stubbornness keep you from growing. You are all about expanding your mind, but you need to practice what you preach to improve your life.

Expand your horizons again when the new moon is in Leo on Sunday. The new moon is in your philosophy zone, encouraging you to do stuff that will enlarge your life like plan a trip. This last year left you grounded, so you’re more than ready to make up for lost time and start planning excursions.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Sharing is caring, but when the sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Monday, you could have a difficult time sharing with others, especially when it comes to money. Sharing resources and finances might become an issue, especially if you want to break out on your own.

However, Tuesday brings excitement when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, encouraging you to open your mind and really feel your emotions. Expressing yourself becomes easier as you learn more about what makes you feel alive. Have fun!

Your week ends on a positive note when the new moon is in Leo on Sunday. The new moon is in your intimacy zone, making it a great opportunity to form new connections with others or deepen the bonds you already have. Get ready for an emotional rebirth as you get ready for positive changes in your life. Get some rest!



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins on a tense note when the sun in Leo opposes Saturn in your sign on Monday. Conflicts and secret enemies are not allowing you to grow as a person or become mature. Put aside your petty differences and try to reach an agreement to end your feud.

However, the fighting continues at home when Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. You might have to deal with conflict when you try to make changes in your home life or deal with current changes. Be the bigger person and try to make peace, Aquarius.

Fortunately, the week ends on a harmonious note when the new moon is in Leo on Sunday. The moon is in your partnership zone, encouraging you to reach an agreement to end all that fighting and tension. Be willing to compromise and extend the olive branch. You never know when you’ll need an ally.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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Having someone to talk to can really help you find yourself when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. Communicate your brilliant ideas with someone you trust and make those thoughts a reality. A partner is bringing out the best in you.

While following a steady routine is good for you, it can get a little boring. You may have an opportunity to shake things up when the sun in Leo squares Uranus on Friday. Try out a few ideas; it could greatly improve your routine while making it fun and exciting!

Continue your quest for healthier habits when the new moon is in Leo on Sunday. The moon is in your routine zone, encouraging you to look at your current health and fitness and see what you can improve on. Don’t get overwhelmed with big goals, Pisces. Instead, focus on taking things one step at a time.


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