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Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here & It Might Seem Familiar

Salutations and happy almost new year! Your weekly horoscope for December 27-January 2 is here. Give yourselves a pat on the back! We’ve survived most of the holiday anguish, and a bright and shining 2022 approaches. So, what have we learned this year, folks? There’s no need to answer immediately. We have about a week to get those resolutions in place. Regarding the week ahead, there are quite a few astrological goings-on going on.

On the twenty-eighth, Jupiter (planet of expansion) returns to the fishy sign of Pisces for good (or, at least the next few months). Earlier this year, we got a glimpse into Jupiter in Pisces before it retrograded back into Aquarius in late July. Think back to those summer days, and you’ll catch the vibe for 2022.

The twenty-ninth finds Mercury (planet of communication) and Venus (planet of love) in a tight celestial tango — otherwise known as a conjunction, before the planet of communication enters Aquarius on New Year’s Day. It may be time to talk over those issues you’ve been contemplating over Venus’ retrograde.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Get back into the emotional work you’ve been doing over the summer when Jupiter enters Pisces on Tuesday. The planet of luck enters your subconscious zone, ushering you into a period of spiritual healing over the next few months. End 2021 by practicing self-compassion and empathizing with and helping others.

Start the new year right with a wild party when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday. Mercury enters in your social zone, encouraging you to ring in 2022 with your friends and make a wish when the ball drops. Make a few crazy resolutions, Aries, because they just might come true!

If you haven’t yet made any resolutions, make some when the new moon is in Capricorn on Sunday. The moon in your career zone encourages you to focus on what you want to achieve this year, especially in your career. Get ahead by doing some networking to establish important connections.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Get ready to be social when Jupiter enters Pisces and your friendship zone on Tuesday. This next year you’ll have plenty of opportunities to make new friends and socialize. Things that you’ve been working toward could happen as if by magic. Approach life with a generous heart and you’ll be rewarded, Taurus.

While you’re socializing, find ways to network to help your career when Mercury enters Aquarius and your career zone on Saturday. You’re ready to reach your dreams, so write down all of your goals to help them come true.

The year 2022 gives you the chance to shake up your routine when the new moon is in Capricorn on Sunday. The moon in your expansion zone makes you a little restless as you enter the new year. This is a good day to go on an adventure, start projects, and learn something new to start a new year.


STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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The year 2022 can bring major career opportunities your way when Jupiter enters Pisces and your career zone on Tuesday, helping you with some of your more ambitious goals—as long as you give back in the process. Do some volunteer work to bring good karma (and good PR) into your life, Gemini.

By the time the new year rolls in, you might seriously consider going back to school as Mercury enters Aquarius and your expansion zone on Saturday. You’ll have a strong thirst for knowledge and be eager to learn. However, if “traditional” education isn’t in the cards, try some online courses or a guru.

The new year also brings opportunities for financial planning when the new moon is in Capricorn. The moon in your transformation zone makes it an ideal time to think about taking out a loan, starting a saving plan, or getting ready for tax season.


STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Your year ends on an optimistic note when Jupiter enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving through your expansion zone for most of 2022. You’re ready to tackle the new year with adventure and hope. Your imagination is increasing as 2022 brings opportunities for travel, study, and meeting new people. Go explore, Cancer!

The new year brings you an extra boost of intuition when Mercury enters Aquarius and your transformation zone on Saturday. For the next few weeks, it will be easy to read between the lines in important situations to get the information you need. Trust your gut even if it feels weird.

Use diplomacy to get what you want during the Capricorn new moon on Sunday. The moon in your partnership zone encourages you to use your personal connections to achieve your dreams. Don’t be afraid to team up with others to reach your goals.


STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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The end of the year ushers in a period of spiritual development when Jupiter enters Pisces on Tuesday. The planet of luck moves into your transformation zone, changing your life both spiritually and financially, even bringing the possibility of a rebirth because you’ll be extra sensitive. You can be lucky with money if you invest wisely, Leo.

If you want your relationships to be healthier in 2022, the answer is simple: communicate! On Saturday, Mercury enters Aquarius and your partnership zone, encouraging you to talk things out with your loved ones as you enter the new year. Reaching an agreement requires compromise if you want to start the year on a positive note.

Start on your resolutions during the Capricorn new moon on Sunday. The moon in your habit zone makes it an excellent time to organize your space, clean, and start on some of your new healthy habits.


STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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The new year brings different levels of commitment for you when Jupiter enters Pisces and your partnership zone on Tuesday. Any relationship that isn’t working out at the end of 2021 will come to a close, making room for better, more fulfilling partnerships in your career and romantic life. Keep your heart open, Virgo.

Ring in 2022 with a vacuum and mop when Mercury enters Aquarius and your habit zone on Saturday, encouraging you to begin the new year by doing some cleaning and organizing. You might find a new way to do things that makes your life easier.

The week ends on a pleasurable note when the new moon is in Capricorn and your pleasure zone on Sunday. This is a great time to attend another party, go on a hot date, or start a creative project. Begin the year by doing whatever brings you joy.


STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Positive changes are coming your way in 2022 when it comes to your health and your work as Jupiter enters Pisces and your habit zone on Tuesday. A lot of improvements are coming into your life, Libra, making you feel great as you start the journey to your dream self.

Start the new year with creative expression when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday. It will be in your creative zone for the next few weeks. As we get into the heart of winter, spend the first day of 2022 doing something that brings you joy. Starting a hobby today will help it become a passion later.

“Stability” is the keyword when the new moon is in Capricorn on Sunday. The moon is in your home zone at the start of the year, encouraging you to spend the night in with your family and getting cozy in your safe space instead of going out.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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The year 2022 is going to be a year of joy and pleasure for you, Scorpio. That’s because Jupiter enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving through your pleasure zone for most of the new year. This is a great time to explore your passions with confidence because you can be lucky in romance and creativity. Get ready because it’s going to be a very entertaining year.

Skip the New Year’s party for a quiet night at home when Mercury enters Aquarius and your home zone on Saturday. Start the new year thinking about your domestic life and family. What can you do to feel safer and more connected to your loved ones this year?

As 2022 officially begins, you could be feeling busier than ever during the new moon in Capricorn and your communication zone on Sunday. The moon here keeps you in the zone as you start on your goals for the year.


STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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As the adventurer of the zodiac, Sag, you might be surprised by how close you’ll stick to home in 2022. Instead of planning trips, you might plan to buy a house when Jupiter enters Pisces on Tuesday. Your ruling planet in your home zone makes you more attracted to stability than the unknown.

As 2022 begins, your mind starts to move a mile a minute as you discuss all your big plans for the year when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday. Mercury in your communication zone encourages you to dream big even if people don’t quite get your ideas yet.

End the week on a chill note during the new moon in Capricorn on Sunday. The moon in your value zone encourages you to practice self-care by making some yummy food, wearing something cozy, and listening to your favorite music as you scroll through the holiday sales.


STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The new year brings some big ideas and new skills to help you in your endeavors when Jupiter enters Pisces on Tuesday. Jupiter will be in your communication zone for most of 2022, making your mind extra sharp as you gain new skills and social connections that can help you get what you want with ease.

Start the new year by thinking about your finances when Mercury enters Aquarius and your value zone on Saturday. As you search for more stability in the new year, try finding unique ways to make some extra cash.

Your best day this week is when the new moon is in your sign on Sunday. This is a powerful start to the new year, Capricorn, encouraging you to reinvent yourself. Get a new haircut, style, or outlook on life as you enter a new phase. It’s also an ideal day to start manifesting what you desire.


STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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A new year brings new opportunities for you, Aquarius, especially with your finances. On Tuesday, Jupiter enters Pisces and your value zone, where it will stay for most of 2022. During this transit, you might gain money in the form of a raise, new job, or other earning opportunities. Just don’t spend it all in one place!

Start 2022 with confidence and curiosity as Mercury enters your sign on Saturday. Over the next few weeks, you’re quick to notice even the smallest detail. It’s a great time to share your most off-the-wall theories because people are engaged in what you have to say.

However, don’t seek attention during the Capricorn new moon on Sunday. The moon in your privacy zone keeps you out of the spotlight as you recharge your batteries. You’ll need to rest up before you tackle your goals for the new year.


STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

On Tuesday, end 2021 on a positive note as Jupiter enters your sign, where it will stay for most of the new year. Jupiter shines its magnetic light on you, bringing new opportunities and experiences as well as overcoming the issues that have been plaguing you. You can step into 2022 feeling calm and confident with the planet of luck on your side, Pisces.

The new year starts on a reflective note when Mercury enters Aquarius and your privacy zone on Saturday. While you could be feeling extra sensitive over the next few weeks, you’ll also be more empathic, seeing what is hidden to the naked eye.

Even during this moody start, make yourself attend a party or two when the new moon is in Capricorn on Sunday. The moon in your social zone encourages you to hang out with your friends as you ring in 2022.


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