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Your Weekly Horoscope Warns Against Obsessing Over Perfection

Hello, lover. Your weekly horoscope for July 26 through August 1 2021 is here. After a month of major planetary movement, we still aren’t done because three planets are moving into different signs this week.

We start things off with Mercury (planet of communication) entering Leo on Tuesday. For the next two weeks, communication will be entertaining, theatrical, and vibrant as we express ourselves and indulge in drama. Time to spill the tea!

Jupiter (planet of luck) retrogrades back into Aquarius on Wednesday, where it will stay till the end of the year. After a little vacation in Pisces, we go back to how things were at the start of the year—giving us a second chance at unique opportunities for innovation and social justice.

Finally, Mars enters analytical Virgo on Thursday, which is an odd combination for the planet of action. For the next several weeks, our energy will be subtle but steady as we use our talents and drive to serve others. However, don’t let the need for perfection become a troubling obsession.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Your natural charms get turned up to full volume when Mercury enters Leo and your pleasure zone on Tuesday. With the planet of communication here, the next two weeks will be filled with pleasurable thoughts as your words turn seductive. This can be a creative time because you’ll be full of passion and inspiration. Just have fun, Aries!

After all that heat, you start to cool down when your ruler Mars enters Virgo and your habit zone on Thursday. It would be a good idea to slow down before you completely burn out. Create with purpose and form healthier work habits. Practice restraint as a form of self-care and self-preservation.

Your week ends on a chatty note with Ceres entering Gemini on Saturday. In your communication, you’ll feel more productive when you share your ideas with others and you are encouraged to learn. Speak with other people to gain a new perspective.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Family becomes a major talking point when Mercury enters Leo and your home zone on Tuesday. With the planet of communication here, family topics could be entertaining or dramatic depending on the situation. Watch out for gossipers trying to invade your private life or it’ll create an explosive summer.

Fortunately, Thursday brings pleasure when Mars enters Virgo and your pleasure zone. Not only will your sex drive increase for the next six weeks, but you will also feel more passionate, creative, and eager to enjoy life. Whether you’re lounging by the pool or tackling a creative project, trust yourself to take a few educated risks. They’ll pay off.

Turn your attention to money matters when Ceres enters Gemini on Saturday. As you watch your money and assets grow and you become more financially stable, it’s time to share some of that wealth by taking care of those around you. Invest in your community.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Be prepared to spill some serious tea when your ruler Mercury enters Leo and your communication zone on Tuesday. This can make your already sizzling wit extra hot as your curiosity seeks out good gossip. However, while you’ll be the master of the snarky comebacks, be careful. Some of that tea could be spilled on you.

Get ready to do some summer cleaning when Mars enters Virgo and your home zone on Thursday. You could suddenly have the urge to take care of your space (cleaning and organizing) and clear out the clutter, but don’t stop there, Gemini. It’s also a good time to take care of your family life as well and get rid of some baggage there too.

Saturday means self-care when Ceres enters your sign, bringing healing energy to your life. Take care of yourself and you’ll be calmer, more productive, and ready to take on the world.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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You have money on your mind as Mercury enters Leo and your value zone on Tuesday. While you aren’t the best at keeping track of your spending, for the next two weeks it would be a good idea to look for ways to make money, gain personal resources, and use logic to save money so you don’t blow it all as usual. Use common “cents,” Cancer (pun fully intended).

Words start to hold more meaning when Mars enters Virgo and your communication zone on Thursday. It will become very important for you to get your thoughts and words across to others. Thoughts can easily become actions right now.

Spend the weekend in solitude when Ceres enters Gemini and your privacy zone on Saturday. It’s an ideal time to take a step back and focus on healing and grief. Nurture yourself with self-acceptance and take help when it’s offered.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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You are back and better than ever, Leo! After taking a brief social media break, log back on when Mercury enters your sign on Tuesday and show the world just how brightly you shine. Take killer selfies, tweet some witty quips, even create a new online trend. While your words make you the star of the show, watch out when you spill the tea in public. The drama could come back to haunt you.

After doing a lot of spending, it’s time to focus on saving when Mars enters Virgo and your value zone on Thursday. Focus on increasing your wealth and developing stronger earning habits. In short: get that bag!

Spend Saturday with friends when Ceres enters Gemini, encouraging you to nurture and grow your friendship and expand your social circle. As you share more of yourself on social media, use your platform to promote a worthy humanitarian cause.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Stay away from the spotlight (and social media) when your ruler Mercury enters Leo and your privacy center on Tuesday. It’s best to keep your secrets to yourself for the time being. Sure, spilling tea is fun, but if you divulge something important, you’ll be in a world of trouble. Zip your lips to avoid the drama.

Fortunately, Thursday brings self-love when Mars enters your sign, where it will stay for the next several weeks. While you value serving others, it’s time to take care of yourself for a change and act in your best self-interests. Get ready for new beginnings because you’re going to be unstoppable once your season hits.

Nurturing your long-term goals will pay off big time when Ceres enters Gemini on Saturday. Feed your ambitions and watch your career take off, Virgo, if you’re brave enough to take what you desire.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Tuesday brings out your social butterfly when Mercury enters Leo and your friendship zone. For the next two weeks, enjoy hanging out with friends, meeting new people, and finding ways to make your dreams come true. Take time to learn about social causes and learn how to use your voice to fight for justice and help others.

Things get intense when warrior Mars enters Leo and your privacy zone on Thursday. This could bring up a lot of unresolved anger issues you’ve been internalizing. Healing will need to be done in private as you search for peace and self-acceptance or you could hurt yourself. Take it slowly, Libra.

Expand your emotional and intellectual horizons when Ceres enters Gemini and your philosophy zone on Saturday. You’ll discover that there’s comfort in traveling and questioning your long-held beliefs. It’s okay to admit when you’re wrong, we promise!



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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It’s time to make a name for yourself and start wheeling and dealing, Scorpio. That’s because Mercury enters Leo and your career zone on Tuesday. If you want to achieve something, use your natural cunning and strategic mind to go after it with vigor. We know you can walk the walk, now talk the talk.

Continue to chase after your dreams and desires when Mars enters Virgo and your social zone on Thursday. The next six weeks are ideal for manifesting your dreams and turning them into reality, especially when you use networking to get ahead. It’s also an ideal time to use your passion to help with social causes.

Saturday brings the potential for rebirth when Ceres enters Gemini and your intimacy zone. Changes come quickly but also act as a source of comfort for you, making it easier to let go of the past and move forward with life.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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As communication planet Mercury enters Leo and your philosophy zone on Tuesday, you may find yourself getting lost in deep thought more often. Try getting out of your head to gain some perspective by talking it out and sharing your thoughts with others. Seek opportunities that expand your worldview, Sagittarius.

On Wednesday, Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius and your communication zone. Examine your thought process and even take a short trip to learn your mind and get grounded. You might even find luck on your travels.

Start hustling at work when Mars enters Virgo and your career zone on Thursday. Over the next six weeks, you could be feeling ambitious and willing to go the extra mile to reach your goals. Success and achievement drive you to greatness with passion. However, be careful. All this hustling could lead to some major burnout.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with serious conversations about finances and resources when communication planet Mercury enters Leo and your intimacy zone on Tuesday. The idea of combining resources with someone to ease financial stress could be tempting. Think of a solid plan to make it happen. Use your words wisely as you make these big changes.

Thursday brings a case of wanderlust when Mars enters Virgo and your philosophy zone. For the next six weeks, you’ll have the drive and the passion to explore the world and learn something new, so start planning a trip or adventure for yourself.

The week ends on a productive note when Ceres enters Gemini and your habit zone on Saturday. You are feeling extra motivated to get to work and mark things off your to-do list. However, remember to schedule in self-care so you don’t burn out, Capricorn.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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After a hot summer, it’s time to make peace and reach agreements when communication planet Mercury enters Leo and your partnership zone on Tuesday. For the next two weeks, this will encourage you to form partnerships instead of compete, which would only lead to drama. Be open and honest with your words and life will go smoothly.

On Wednesday, Jupiter moves back into your sign, giving you a boost of luck even though the planet is moving backward. However, this also brings up some issues of self-awareness as you study your character and behavior. Are you happy with the way you behave, Aquarius?

The week ends on a sexy note (whatever your definition of sexy is) when Mars enters Virgo and your intimacy zone on Thursday. This is an ideal time for breaking taboos and transforming your life in new ways as you move toward growth.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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Focus on self-improvement and being productive when Mercury enters Leo and your habit zone on Tuesday. It will stay here for the next two weeks, so use the power of your words to serve others and find ways to help when you can. Vocalize your needs too, Pisces, especially when it comes to your health.

All’s fair when it comes to love and war over the next few weeks when Mars enters Virgo and your partnership zone on Thursday. This could either lead to great passion in your relationships or a lot of conflict and anger as you fight with enemies. Choose love when you can!

The month ends on a cozy note when Ceres enters Gemini on Saturday. As the asteroid enters your home zone, it’s an ideal time to focus on nurturing, growth, and unconditional love as you find comfort and healing within your family.


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