You’re tapping into your brain power this month, Leo! Your Leo October 2021 horoscope is all about revamping your social life and embracing your intellect. On October 6, a new moon will surge through your third house of communication, encouraging you to embrace your inner voice, redirect your thoughts and study new topics. Get ready for mind-blowing conversations that teach you something new!
This month will start a fire in your love life, because on October 7, Venus will sashay into your passionate fifth house and stir up your need for a heart-thumping romance. Embrace your desire for cheesy and cliché expressions of love! Make memories with your lover—and if you’re single, don’t forget to text your crush. However, be careful of what you say by October 9, because as Mercury and Mars join forces, you may be compelled to act impulsively. Tread carefully with complicated topics!
A beautiful opportunity to socialize, make new friends and even network will arrive on October 15. As the sun forms a trine with Jupiter, you may feel a desire to immerse yourself in human activity and be reminded of how good it feels to connect! Once Mercury retrograde comes to an end on October 18, you may find it easier to overcome any residual social anxiety and get your point across more effectively.
You may have a major realization about your belief systems by October 20. This is when the full moon will set off a firecracker in your ninth house of wisdom and adventure, inspiring you to let go of stubborn perspectives and see things in a new light!
Once Scorpio season begins on October 23, you may feel the instinct to retreat from the public eye and regenerate in your own personal space. As the sun enters your fourth house of home and family, you will be called to rest, take care of your heart and remember what truly matters!
However, by October 30, you may run into discomfort in your home environment as the sun squares off with Saturn. This is an opportunity to identify what is (and what definitely isn’t) working for you!
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