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Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here—And So Is Mercury Retrograde

Good morning, lover! Your weekly horoscope for September 27-October 3 2021 is here.

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but this Monday marks the debut of Mercury’s (planet of communication) backward motion. Once again, we find ourselves in the grasp of Mercury retrograde. However, please note that Mercury retrograde seasons account for nearly three months in total of each year. So, save the proclamations of doom and gloom for another season—perhaps election season?

Of course, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be a few bumps in the road where communication, travel, and even tech are concerned. Such is the nature of the season. Furthermore, Mercury is quite the lover when he’s in Libra, so be on the lookout for miscommunication with your crush or partner if you’re romantically involved with someone.

However, the show must go on, and there are a few other transits this week to stay on top of. For example, Venus in Scorpio goes into a square with Jupiter (planet of expansion) in Aquarius. Intense and overblown emotions are in the forecast, so try a little tenderness this week.

Sunday’s skies offer a bit of reprieve from the intensity of the week with Mercury trining Jupiter. “Broad-minded” is the word of the day. Take a minute to philosophize and reflect on the week (and life as a whole if you like).

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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You move from making love to making war now that Mercury is retrograde. Mercury is in your partnership zone, creating drama in your relationships when you’re quick to quarrel because of miscommunications and misunderstandings. Don’t fly off the handle, Aries! Just because you think people are working against you doesn’t mean they are. Get all the facts before you blow your top.

Fortunately, the rest of the week gets easier. On Wednesday, The sun in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius, making it an ideal day for love and friendship. Go hang out with friends, plan a date, or just have some fall fun! Enjoy!

Friendships continue to improve when Mercury trines Jupiter on Sunday, allowing tensions to ease if you work together with someone. This is an ideal day to make new friends, work together on a project, or seal the deal on something important.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Oh no, Taurus! Your carefully laid habits and routines you’ve been working on get thrown off balance when Mercury is in retrograde. Mercury is retrograde in your habit zone, making you feel unproductive and unmotivated. To restore some balance, try to develop a new routine that’s flexible enough to deal with the changes that a retrograde brings.

Put your pride aside and let your friends help you when Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. You might be able to get closer to your dreams if you let a friend or business associate give you a boost.

The weekend brings adventure when Venus sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday, making it a great day for exploring the world with your trusted partner in crime. You could discover new things about your loved one and even change your mind about certain issues. Let personal experience guide your moral compass.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Let your body do the talking over the next couple of weeks now that Mercury is retrograde. Your ruling planet is in your pleasure zone, making it difficult to express yourself in words. Creative blocks and delays in romance can leave you frustrated. Try taking it easy and focusing on what brings you joy. Avoid taking gambles. They may not pay off.

Problems continue when Mercury squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday. You love having fun, but is your focus on pleasure preventing you from growing as a person? You could discover that you have some growing up to do or you’ll stay stuck.

Fortunately, the week ends on a positive note when Mercury trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Sunday, giving you an extra dose of wanderlust. With your creativity and lust for life, you can unlock adventures. Allow yourself to experience this excitement without overthinking it.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Brace yourself for a few weeks of family drama while Mercury is in its final retrograde of the year. The planet of communication is retrograde in your family zone, bringing some major shake-ups to your private life, with the possibility of losing your foundation and emotional security at home. Be careful when dealing with family drama, Cancer. Some of that tea may get spilled on you.

Fortunately, you get a break when Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, allowing your creative side to run wild. This is an ideal day to go on a creative fall date, redecorate your home, or get lost in your daydreams.

Take your relationships to the next level when Venus sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday. Whether you’re making a love affair official, getting hitched, moving in together, or reaching a very important agreement, the transformation will be positive. Enjoy!



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Yikes! If you’re not careful, Leo, you’ll discover plenty of opportunities to put your foot in your mouth. That’s because Mercury is now in its dreaded retrograde, moving backward in your communication zone. You might have a difficult time trusting your own thoughts. Missing texts, lost e-mails, and technical difficulties are all possible right now. Back up important files and keep your mouth shut.

However, there are still plenty of opportunities for flirting when the sun in Libra trines Saturn on Wednesday. While it may not be a great time to start a romance or new friendship, it can be an ideal time to listen and have a good time.

When it doubt, take it out when Mercury trines Jupiter on Sunday. Be open-minded as you try to reach an agreement in your relationship that works for everyone. Express yourself, but try not to dominate the conversation.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Do yourself a favor and hide your credit cards right now. Trust us on this. It’s for your own good. Your ruling planet Mercury is now in retrograde in your value zone, sending your usually thrifty habits off the rails with impulse spending. Keep on top of your finances and you’ll be okay.

However, when Mercury squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday, you might not have tons of fun when you can’t do an activity because you can’t afford it. Find ways to have fun without going over your budget.

The week ends on a positive note when Mercury trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Sunday, making it an ideal time to expand your self-worth by doing some self-improvement. Taking a fitness class, getting more sleep, and managing your budget are just some of the ways you can improve your life for the better.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Yikes, Libra! You may not be making a great first impression for the next couple weeks because Mercury is now retrograde in your sign. People might get the wrong idea about your temperament and personality due to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Being self-aware will help, but be careful not to self-sabotage with negative thoughts.

Fortunately, expressing yourself gets a little easier when the sun in your sign trines Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. Find pleasure in being creative and try a new art form. You’ll even get a boost of confidence to play with your personal style.

The creative vibes continue when Mercury trines Jupiter on Sunday. While you may still feel understood, use art to release some of that frustration. This is an ideal time to learn a new hobby, watch some movies, and find pleasure in relaxation. Feel those good vibes!



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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Tea is going to be spilled now, Scorpio, and most of it will land on you. That’s because Mercury will be retrograde in your privacy zone for the next couple of weeks, possibly spilling all of your secrets—secrets that could hurt your relationships and reveal things you want to keep hidden. Keep a low profile or you might have to make some tough sacrifices.

Start mending some of your relationships when Venus in your sign trines Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, making this a very creative and friendly day. Use these good vibes to play a fun autumn activity that can be entertaining and mend any slight.

If you’re having trouble, rely on your most trusted relationships for guidance when Venus sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday. Having stable relationships can help you communicate your thoughts and feelings better and even increase your intuition. Let people help you.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Yikes, Sagittarius! Friendships could take a nasty turn now that Mercury is retrograde in Libra. The planet of communication is retrograde in your social zone, making you realize that your friendships may not be as harmonious as you thought. Arguments over important issues can ruin relationships. Keeping the peace could be difficult as you stand up for what you believe in.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom. The sun in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday, showing you that dreams really do come true. Thoughts can become reality today, so plan to do some manifesting. You just might get it.

However, the week ends on a rocky note when Venus in Scorpio squares Jupiter on Thursday. Tension can occur when you have trouble keeping a very big secret. The more secretive you act, the more suspicious you become. Try to relax or you’ll spill the beans.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Be very careful for the next couple of weeks, Capricorn. Mercury is now retrograde, and you might say something that throws you off track and hurts your reputation. Mercury is in your career zone, making work especially difficult. Work slowly and don’t push yourself—that’s when mistakes happen. Like hitting “reply all” on an e-mail.

The burnout is real when Mercury squares Pluto in your sign on Friday. After spending the majority of time at your office, work begins to consume all of your thoughts. Take some time off before you become even more of a workaholic zombie.

Fortunately, your friends can help you out with that when Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto on Saturday. Your social circle can help you expand your mind and learn something. Use this knowledge to help you in all areas of your life as you change your point of view.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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Think twice before booking any upcoming travel, Aquarius. Yup, Mercury is now retrograde, throwing a wrench into all your important plans. Mercury will be backing up in your philosophy zone for the next couple of weeks, creating delays and cancellations. Keep an open mind and be adaptable if you want to survive this retrograde.

Keep learning when the sun in Libra trines Saturn in your sign on Wednesday. Learning something new can change your outlook on life for the better. Even during a retrograde, you have plenty of reasons to be optimistic about life.

However, those good vibes could disappear when Venus in Scorpio squares Jupiter on Thursday. When someone else takes credit for all of your hard work, it’s easy to feel bitter and jealous. But before you start a fight, take a moment to calm down and find a logical way to handle the situation without anger.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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Be very careful with your finances over the next couple of weeks, Pisces, especially if you’re splitting the bills with another person. Mercury is now retrograde in your intimacy zone, creating miscommunication around money issues. Someone being late with the rent can cause major stress. Try to give them the benefit of the doubt before you become resentful.

Developing relationships can expand your mind and make you more inspired when Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in your sign on Wednesday. This aspect makes it an ideal time to plan a trip with friends, get creative, and be open. Let your imagination run wild!

Especially since your imagination could bring you some success when Venus sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday. Whether it’s making new friendships, networking, or getting something you’ve long desired, be open to new experiences that challenge your values and you could be rewarded with a windfall.


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